The focus of this research is how the condition of the morality of the students, How is the strategy of PAI teachers in improving the morals of students and What are the factors that support and hinder the PAI teacher's strategy in improving the morals of students at SMP NU Singkut. This is interesting to study with the aim of knowing the condition of the morality of the students, PAI teacher strategies in improving the morality of students and factors that support and hinder the strategy of PAI teachers in improving the morality of students at SMP NU Singkut, This type of research includes field research with a qualitative approach.
In collecting data the writer uses interview, observation, documentation data collection techniques, the technique used for the validity of the data is triangulation. In analyzing the data using the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing/verification and The results of this study are the conditions of the morality of students including students who often skip school during class hours, students are often noisy at school, students are often late for class. The strategy of PAI teachers in improving the morals of students is to provide motivation and evaluate students. In improving the morals of students, all school community members or especially Islamic religious teachers should participate in designing programs of activities and strategies for delivering effective religious material for fostering the morals of students and being responsible for the implementation of activities that have been used.
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