Anxiety or defined as a psychiatric condition full of worries and fears about something that will happen, this state is characterized by a feeling of fear and ongoing worry usually this anxiety is experienced by some people who have just received severe news or diagnosis about themselves, as well as coronary heart patients most of the people with this disease feel anxious about their state in the future. It can be seen that coronary heart disease is the disease that accounts for the most deaths around 30% in the world, no wonder people with coronary heart disease feel anxiety about their survival. In the Qur'an, there are many verses related to psychology and human inner calm that can be used as a theoretical reference to overcome anxiety, one of which is with dhikr psychotherapy, this therapy is considered capable of overcoming anxiety and mental disorders. This research method uses qualitative research with data collection methods using interview techniques for several objects with coronary heart disease, as well as documentation. The results of this study stated that dhikr psychotherapy is able to overcome the anxiety felt by coronary heart disease patients because dhikr is a process of self-approach to God so that people who do dhikr will feel calm and positive emotions arise
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