This study aims to determine how the attitude of the community in the implementation of religious moderation in Karangreja Village, Maos Cilacap District and the factors that can affect religious moderation. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach that describes systematically based on the phenomena that occur. The data collection technique used is interview observation and documentation. Meanwhile, to analyze the researcher using data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that people’s attitudes in implementing religious moderation are based on indicators of religiousmoderation, namely: first national commitment by collaborating in national activities such as celebrating the Republic of Indonesia Anniversary and the anniversary of Karangreja Village and Memetri Bumi to foster a sense of nationalism and maintain the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Second, tolerance through togetherness in community service activities, attending invitations, and participating in maintaining security religious events despite different beliefs. Third, non-violence is created by the community through deliberation to make decisions when there is a problem and it doesn’t exist compulsion in religion. Fourth, accommodating to local culture which is carried out by preserving the Javanese culture of Memetri Bumi The factors that influence religious moderation in Karangreja Village are: first, good communication by holding associations between residents. Second, togetherness by helping each other during celebrations for Muslim and non-Muslim holidays. Third, mutual respect for differences in religious activities.
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