With his set of rules which he called qadar. Qadar for him is not what the majority of theologians (mutakallimum) understand as deterministic, binding and restrictive provisions for human freedom, but all the provisions that exist in nature, especially physical objects. Fazlur Rahman in explaining the idea of God and the universe always refers to the Qur'an as the primary source of authority and is always actual and contextual in every time and circumstance in which man exists.
In Rahman's view, God is indeed near, but it can also be seen as very far away. He further said that the problem is not how to make man believe by presenting extensive theological evidence of God's existence, but how to make him believe by turning his attention to obvious facts and turning these facts into things that remind man of God's existence. God is the dimension that allows other dimensions to exist; He gives meaning and life to everything. He is all-encompassing; He is literally infinite and He alone is infinite
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Taufik Adnan Amal (peny.) Metode dan Alternatif Neomodernisme Islam Fazlur Rahman (Bandung: Mizan, 1994.