Screening for Plagiaricm Policy

Jurnal Al-Wasith : Jurnal Studi Hukum Islam adheres to international practices of preventing plagiarism. Jurnal Al-Wasith uses a cross-check system for plagiarism, platforms include Turnitin. Thus, all authors that submit their manuscripts to the Jurnal Al-Wasith must check that their academic work respects the copyrights of other scholars and avoids any and all plagiarism. Once the manuscript is submitted to Jurnal Al-Wasith, our editorial team will assign a group of anti-plagiarism members to check the manuscript through various tools.

There are several indicators of plagiarism that all authors must be aware of:

The most easily identifiable plagiarism is that of repeated content when an author copies another author's work by reciting words, sentences, or paragraphs without citing original sources. This plagiarism model can be easily identified by our plagiarism checker software.

The second type of plagiarism occurs when an author reproduces the substantial part of another writer's work, without citing him/her. The term "reproducing substance" here can be understood as copying another's ideas, both in terms of quantity and quality, which potentially eliminates the original author's rights, in the context of intellectual property. 

The third type of plagiarism when an author takes ideas, words, or phrases in paraphrased sentences or paragraphs, without citing the original source. This type of plagiarism often cannot be checked through plagiarism software, as it is idea-based. Yet, this practice becomes unethical when the author does not cite, nor acknowledge the original source from the original writer.